Get to know us

We are a professional entity who have launched this platform to get the best possible products to the people of Chennai. We do not engage any middlemen to source the produce. The products are procured directly from the farms. The items handled by us are by and large organic in nature. Since we make the sourcing directly, we have utmost control over the products procured, thereby ensuring that the end users get the best of products at the best prices. Based in Chennai, we are carrying out our business activities as a partnership firm. The products which are processed by us are produced by high quality materials using the latest equipment and technology.

Utmost care is taken to ensure that the customers receive the best of quality and in the shortest possible time.

" We are as a family"

Sai Sudhakar


He is responsible for all the operations inside the,

Mrs. Sai


she looks after the executions of the company

Our Mission

We believe that whatever we eat should be the best possible food and that it should be made or processed through the natural process to the maximum possible extent. To help the produce reach consumers easily our online store functions for delivering goods at your door steps. Shopping for the products is just a click away. Having developed a passion for natural food, we are taking all possible steps to ensure that good cows milk and other natural products reach the consumers at the best price in the shortest possible time.