Organic Oils

Our Products

Our Products are purely 100% Organic in varieties to get explored and you wont stop buying from us.

Our Ideology

For the Well being of this world and restoring the world of organic food and Lifestyle

Quality Assured

We believe that whatever we eat should be the best food with good quality standards


Groundnut Oil

The Cold pressed groundnut oil has bright yellow color with mild peanut flavor. Its It smoking point is high making it best suited for Indian style cooking and deep frying


Gingelly Oil

Gingelly oil is known to reduce LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol and increase the level of HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol. This oil is also know to be very effective against diabetes


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an excellent nourishing ointment & effective moisturizer on all types of skins. It is one of the best natural nutrition for hair. It provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged hair, helps in healthy growth of hair and gives a shiny luster.

About us

Shopateze -Traditional
Style of Wellbeing

We are a professional entity who have launched this platform to get the best possible products to the people of Chennai. We do not engage any middlemen to source the produce. The products are procured directly from the farms. The items handled by us are by and large organic in nature.

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